Ramsons Pesto (Wild Garlic)

Delicious on pasta, rice, with vegetables, on bread, in wraps, in hummus or as an addition to soups and stews. Ramsons has similar medicinal properties to those of  Garlic, only greater.

The green, shiny broad leaves grow only in shady and damp woods and can be found between March and May.  Its pungent garlic odour that has given it the name of Wild Garlic, is smelled long before the plants are sighted and prevents them for being mistaken for the Lily-of-the-Valley.


  • 2 mugs roughly chopped fresh young Ramson leaves (packed tightly)

  • ½ mug walnuts or pine nuts or nuts of your choice

  • Lemon juice (1/2 - 1 lemon), sea salt or Himalayan salt, black or cayenne pepper to taste

  • Olive oil to blend (add enough to obtain a smooth consistency)

  • Honey or agave syrup to taste - optional

  • Sheep, goats or parmesan cheese - optional

Put everything into a food processor and process until smooth.

Fill into a clean glass jar, label and keep in fridge.

Best fresh, but keeps about a week.

Fresh ramsons leaves can be used for a spring cleaning and waste removal course of treatment (when dried leaves loose medicinal properties).  Finely chopped leaves can be used as a seasoning in soups, added to potatoes, dumplings, salads and other foods. The leaves can also be prepared like spinach (mix with nettles or/and spinach to neutralize sharp taste).

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