Rosemary hot infused oil
Rosemary infused oil is one of my favourite ways to use cuttings from my rosemary plants. Rosemary oil makes fabulous massage oil for sore muscles, backaches, and soothe arthritis pain. It is also very soothing and healing to skin.
The Heat Infusion Method:
This is a quicker method if you need to prepare your oil for immediate use. Olive oil is commonly used as it offers some resistance to oxidation and rancidity.
Use about 50-75g of dried herb, or 75-100g fresh herb (strip leaves from woody stems and bruise to help to release the essential oil) per 300ml base oil. You want the oil to just cover the dried herb.
Place the oil and herbs in a double boiler or bain-marie with a tightly fitting lid over a pan of gently boiling water.
Allow to infuse at a continuous heat for 2-3 hours making sure the water does not boil away! Stir every half hour or so and check the progress of your oil.
Strain and bottle or repeat the process if you desire a stronger, double infused oil.
Always remember to label and date your products.
If you only plan on using the oil in skin and hair care, you can enhance the scent with rosemary essential oil.
Unscented rosemary oil can be used in cooking as well as a salad oil.
You can also heat infuse your oils as above in an oven on the lowest possible temperature.
Rosemary Warming Massage Oil:
Infuse fresh rosemary in oil according to one of the methods detailed above.
To 100ml of the oil add 10 drops rosemary essential oil, 5 drops ginger oil, 5 drops black pepper essential oil and 5 drops cardamom essential oil..
This would be a wonderful oil for promoting circulation and easing sore muscles and joints.