The Good Life


Neantog I - II - III - IV - V

Neantog I:

When we arrived in Ireland in the Summer of 1985 we didn't know where the journey would take us, but we were very determined to give it our best shot. So we became farmers, growers, bakers and cheese makers supplying health food stores, delicatessen shops, cafes and restaurants in Sligo and the North West. After two years living in Tubbercurry, where we moved from a tent to a mobile home, we bought our farm in Cliffony in 1987 and as self-builders renovated a cottage and build a house.


Neantog II:

Getting involved with the organic movement in the Northwest and especially The Organic Centre project, where we began giving courses as early as 1996, changed life at Neantog. We stopped cheesemaking as a business in 2003 and Gaby having graduated as a Naturopath and Herbalist in 2004 started working from home in her clinic. Hans, who had been working part-time at The Organic Centre since 2000 changed to full-time in 2002 and dedicated the next 16 years of his life to develop their courses and training programmes in organic horticulture, sustainable living and eco-tourism helping to make the centre renowned nationally and internationally as a centre of excellence.

Neantog III:

Being involved with the Sligo Food Festival and becoming a member of the Sligo Food Trail from the very beginning in 2015, we now offer experiences for tourists as well as courses on topics like herbs and foraging, healthy cooking and organic gardening. Hans has now retired from The Organic Centre and is refiring with Gaby at home to concentrate on developing Neantog Kitchen Garden School's programme of courses, tours, workshops and mentorships.

Our latest project Sligo Food Tours, showcasing Sligo’s most inventive and innovative restaurants and cafes, began in 2018 and ran successfully until March 2022 (although interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic). We continue to highlight Sligo’s food scene through our Sligo Food News blog.

Gaby, who had worked as a nurse in Germany and became a fully trained Reflexologist in 1995, a Reiki Master in 1996 and a Herbalist and Naturopath in 2004, retired in Spring 2020 from her naturopathic clinic at Neantog, where she had been working for over fifteen years.

Neantog IV:

The Coronavirus pandemic had put a hold on many of our activities in 2020 and 2021 and a re-think about our activities led to saying good bye to our Sligo Food Tours. We now promote our favourite places to eat and shop through our Neantog Food News Blog. Our courses, workshops and tours are running again and the full programme for 2025 is available through our shop.

What has NOT changed is that we grow a lot of our food in the garden and the polytunnel and bake our bread and ferment on a regular basis. We still enjoy passing on our knowledge through our teaching and are encouraged by the very positive feedback we receive.

Neantog V:

We are very excited to be part of the 100 Million Trees Project having planted 2 500 native trees (Sponsor: AIB)to create an Irish native mini-forest to help with Climate change. 

Thanks also to Sean O’Connor who did such a good job in preparing the land and especially to David Powell, the tree planter from the Forestry Services. Here is the link for more information: