The Wonder of Herbs

What amazing variety of plant can be easily grown by children, beginner gardeners, people with no garden at all, food lovers, chefs and commercial producers, provide year round produce for culinary, medicinal and cosmetic use and make every patch of garden look great? The answer is: Herbs! 

Creating your own herb garden is an adventure and a wonderful pleasure.  You can decide whether you want it formal or informal, totally culinary or medicinal. As herbs are basically ‘wild plants’ it makes sense to grow them in conditions comparable to their natural habitat.  In general herbs like a neutral to alkaline soil. Most culinary herbs originate from the Mediterranean and like a dry sunny place and prefer free draining soil with the exception of mint which likes damp ground and grows well in semi-shade.

How to grow?

Herbs can be grown from seed indoors in a seed tray using a good seed compost.  You can also sow outdoors once the soil has warmed up in late spring. Buying herb transplants is an easier but more expensive start or you can now try softwood cuttings to propagate Rosemary, Sage and Thyme. Cut a shoot from a non-flowering tip of the plant, remove the leaves from the bottom third of the cutting, make a hole in the compost, insert the cutting up to the leaves, water and cover with a clear plastic bag.

Herbs To Start With

Basic is good! My suggestions for a basic culinary herb garden is: Coriander, Chives, Parsley, Mint, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, Oregano and Marjoram. Basil under cover or in a polytunnel.

Coriander: An annual herb which is easily grown from seed. It gives a kick to any salad and has many culinary uses.  It goes to seed quickly but then you can harvest the seeds in autumn and use freshly ground in curries etc.
Chives: Can be grown from seed but it is easier to divide clumps of already established plants.  Has a mild onion flavour. Use sprinkled on soups, salads, in egg dishes or blend with sour cream as a topping for baked potatoes. It is always good to have a few chives so you could let one plant produce flowers, which are excellent in salads.

Parsley: A must in the garden and not just for using as a garnish.  It comes in two forms the dark-green plain leaved parsley and the paler, milder curled parsley. It is high in Iron and Vitamin C.

 Mint: Various varieties are available.  The one found growing in most gardens is spearmint which is often used on roast lamb. Peppermint is stronger and makes a good tea. Note: Mint can be very invasive and should be grown in a pot to avoid taking over the herb garden.

Thyme: Garden thyme is the best known of the thymes, its fragrant leaves are essential  in bouquet garni. Lemon thyme is another lovely thyme which attracts bees and is good in fish  and mushroom recipes.

Rosemary: A hardy perennial shrub which needs a well-drained soil and sheltered position.  As it is evergreen you can pick sprigs all year round. Try it with meat dishes, particularly lamb and to flavour roast potatoes.

Sage: A perennial evergreen shrub which has a strong distinct flavour.  The beautiful mauve flowers are very attractive in the herb garden. Used in many pork and Italian dishes

Oregano & Marjoram: Perennial bushy plants that attract bees in the garden. Oregano is more aromatic and stronger than Marjoram and is traditionally used in pizzas and pasta.   

Basil: The most common is Sweet Basil. Basil needs heat and protection. Can be made into Pesto or eaten fresh with homegrown tomatoes and homemade cheese!

Warning: Don’t buy herbs that you will not use as you will neglect them and they take up space you could use more productively. 

Get a good reference book like Jekka McVicars “New book of herbs”, go on a course and learn from the experts or join a garden club. One of my favourite pocket books is Collins “Herbs and Healing Plants”.

“Cornucopia at home – The Cookbook” sums it up: Fresh herbs are the most wonderful visual, olfactory and gustatory addition tp savoury cooking, both hot and cold...they are working their natural magic for you as you enjoy their tasty tones.” (I couldn’t have said it better myself.)

Neantog Kitchen Garden School offers several courses on growing and cooking herbs, their medicinal uses, identification and foraging of wild herbs. For further details contact us on  

Hans Wieland