Marcin Szczodrowski (Ocean Sands Hotel) and the importance of seasonality

We still remember how Marcin turned our freshly made ‘quark’ into a delicious dish for the Harvest Feast of Sligo Food Trail in October 2019. Five years later Marcin Szczodrowski , now head chef at the Ocean Sands Hotel in Enniscrone, has just launched “The Chef’s Table 2024”. Marcin has built a steady reputation since moving to Ireland from Poland 16 years ago and we bring you the full story here.

Learning from the grandparents

Marcin’s career as a chef started in his native Poland. From a very young age he was fascinated by everything to do with cooking and food: “I began early in my grandmother’s kitchen and remember her not only as a fine and enthusiastic cook but also an inspirational teacher and today, I find myself in the role of the teacher, introducing my daughter Emily to the world of food and cooking.” The nose to tail revival is nothing new to Marcin: “The fact that my grandfather was a butcher, has given me a head start on many other chefs” he says, “I learned all about meat, how to handle different cuts and use the whole animal”.

When he left school, it was a natural progression for Marcin to study Culinary Arts at third level. “I took to it like the proverbial duck to water”, he remembers with a smile.

Building a reputation in Ireland

His journey from Poland to Enniscrone came via Austies in Rosses Point, Lauras Restaurant in Carney and  Bistro Bianconi in Sligo. “The longest stint was at the award winning fine dining restaurant Eala Bhán in Sligo where I spent seven years”, Marcin tells us. “My career is progressing all the time,” says Marcin, who earlier in his career went on to win the Yes Chef Rising Star and Best Chef in Connaught awards. He subsequently rose to the position of Head Chef at Sligo’s Eala Bhán Restaurant. In 2021 he was looking for a new challenge. “I wanted to try something else, being head chef in a restaurant and being the executive chef in a hotel are two totally different things!”

Authentic food provenance

Asked to describe his style of cooking his enthusiasm is palpable. “I want my cooking to be joyful and expressive”, he says. He loves food styling and wants everything to be perfect, “I’m also a stickler for presentation, I believe you eat with your eyes first. Art on a plate!”

Like many other chefs he is amazed about the quality of local Irish ingredients, “they never ceases to inspire my cooking”, he says “shellfish especially is a real favourite”. We are naturally interested where he sources his ingredients:

“I see authentic food provenance as an essential pillar of my cooking, and I really enjoy sourcing local produce and developing relationships with suppliers, fish from Joe Gavin in Enniscrone, Dozio Cheeses from Charlestown, Lissadell Oysters, Cnoic Glas microherbs and honey. I source organic vegetables from Castlebar and meat from Tubbercurry and Kelly’s Butchers Newport.”

 The importance of seasonality

Marcin is also very committed to use seasonal produce “I believe to get the best out of my ingredients they need to be top quality, fresh and in season.” So you will not find asparagus and strawberries in January, “it just doesn’t cut it for me”, he says, “you will not see out-of-season elements on my menus.”

When we ask where this appreciation of fresh and seasonal produce comes from, Marcin tells us the story of how he used to go to his grandmother after school, when his parents were working: “I would help her in the garden and then we would go into her kitchen and cook the fresh produce. I learned how important it is to work hard in the garden, and how much time and dedication is required to get things exactly right in the kitchen. This has taught me to respect fresh produce and not to waste anything.”

The Chef’s Table

We are very curious about his chefs table, what is special about it, we ask: “The Chef’s Table is a chance for me to express myself through the menu. I’ve put together a menu which I would love to eat and I find great joy in sharing that with other people.” It is a seven course tasting menu with matching wines and will be available on selected days. Check out more on

We ask what he enjoys most working as a chef in the Ocean Sands Hotel? “I love the team I work with and their enthusiasm for good food. I also love the amazing location beside the beach. It’s a wonderful way to relax just seconds from the busyness of the kitchen.” Since starting with the Ocean Sands Hotel in 2021 he has introduced new menus, a new Afternoon Tea by the Sea, a fine dining menu and exciting wedding menus.

Marcin values creativity very highly and loves training young chefs, identifying their strengths and helping them to develop.

…and here is  Marcin Szczodrowski uncovered

1.     What is your favourite food?  Seafood and Lamb

2.     Finish the sentence: A chef is an individual who is trained to understand flavours, cooking techniques, creative recipes, using fresh and local ingredients.

3.     The country you travel for food: France

4.     Three things you always have in your larder/fridge?   Eggs, pesto & butter

5.     What is your most used gadget?  Knife

6.     Do you read cookbooks and which one do you come back to? The Sauce Bible

7.     Who is your inspiration (not necessarily from the food world)?  My father

8.     What are you currently listening to?  Irish Folk Music

9.     Something people don’t know about you?   Even when I’m busy in the kitchen, I still make it to the gym six days a week.

10.What will be hot in 2024? New tasting menus every month for the rest of the year.



Neantog Farm