How to make Milk Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk drink made with kefir grains. Cow, goat or sheep's milk can be used. Traditionally kefir is fermented at ambient temperatures, generally overnight or up to 48 hours. Fermentation of the lactose yields a sour, carbonated, slightly alcoholic beverage, with a consistency similar to thin yogurt. From all fermented drinks milk kefir is the most nutritious and in terms of probiotic bacteria the most diverse.


·       1/2 litre milk, (ideally raw, unpasteurised organic milk)

·       2 tbsp of milk kefir grains


1.     Put your grains into a clean 1 litre glass jar

2.     Fill the container with milk

3.     Place in cupboard or on kitchen counter out of direct sunlight at ambient temperatures

4.     Cover jar with a muslin  and rubber band

5.     Let ferment for 24 - 48 hours or until it reaches desired sourness.

6.     When kefir is finished, strain grains (with a plastic strainer) from kefir milk.

7.     Drink kefir or store in fridge, reuse grains. Go back to step 1.

How to make Coconut Kefir


•  Milk kefir or water kefir grains

•  Coconut milk: Fresh homemade, canned or boxed. We recommend avoiding brands with additives and sweeteners as they can be hard on the kefir grains (guar gum, which is a typical additive, does not seem to be problematic).



  1. Place milk or water kefir grains in coconut milk and stir. Cover loosely and allow to ferment for 12 to 24 hours. After 12 hours, check for desired consistency.

  2. Sometimes kefir grains will require an adjustment period so the first batch of coconut milk kefir may not culture as desired.

  3. Milk kefir grains can be cultured in coconut milk regularly but should be allowed to culture in cow or goat milk for 24 hours once every few batches to revitalize.