Saturday 12th April 2025 - Lettuce and herbs all year round
Saturday 12th April 2025 - Lettuce and herbs all year round
Future proof your garden! Lettuce and herbs are amongst the most perishable foods and growing them yourself is one of the best ways to start your gardening journey. On the course we will show you how to supply you and your family continously with fresh lettuce and herbs all year round. Not only will you save you a substantial amount of money, but have nutritious salad leaves and fragrant organic herbs available whenever you want and need them! No transport, no storing, just harvesting for consumption.
Lettuce and herbs are worth growing because they taste best harvested just before eating. Lettuce in a salad is a great starter and herbs can transform any dish into an extraordinary dish .Having the use of a polytunnel, glasshouse or conservatory will greatly enhance the variety and quantity you can grow.
An interactive and fun-filled day in the garden and polytunnel.
This new course covers:
a short introduction to soil fertility, composting and homemade fertilisers
a practical session on seed sowing and propagation
all you need to know about growing lettuce all year round (introduction to types of lettuce, best varieties, how to sow, plant and harvest)
Also you will learn how to sow, grow and propagate herbs (herbs to start with, how to grow, harvesting and preserving)
Establish perennial herbs
Recipes and handouts included.
You will take home a tray with sowings and propagated herbs and more.
No gardening year is ever the same. With the ever changing weather patterns it feels important to make our gardens resilient to un-seasonal conditions. This topic will be a feature on our course, where we will share our experience over the past 40 years in growing our own food. Establishing perennial plants is one idea, using trusted varieties and growing low-fuss crops are others. Suitable for beginners and advanced gardeners. The small group will allow for plenty of interaction, questions and answers and problem solving.