ESSIAC Tea - (The cost of €15 includes post and packaging!)

ESSIAC Tea - (The cost of €15 includes post and packaging!)
Essiac is also known as Rene Caisse Tea The four herbs in the formula are Burdock Root (the main herb in Essiac), also Sheep Sorrel leaf, Slippery Elm Bark and Turkey Rhubarb Root. Includes instructions how to make the tea.
What are the benefits taking Essiac or Rene Caisse’s Herbal tea?
Essiac or Rene Caisse’s herbal tea has cleansing properties and has a history for helping people with serious illnesses. It cleanses the liver and blood and helps to oxygenate the cells.
Burdock Root is the main herb in Essiac. It is a urinary tract stimulant, and excellent blood cleanser.
Sheep Sorrel leaf regenerates tissues either in the digestive tract or on the surface of the body.
Slippery Elm Bark – is powdered and used as a mucous remover and soothes inflamed tissue.
Turkey Rhubarb Root – mainly helping digestive complaints.
The cost of €15 includes post and packaging!